How to get Online with Mac OS 8.0
Revision 09/19/02

One of the first things you'll see after installing OS 8 is the Internet Setup Assistant.
(If you don't, you'll find it in the 'Assistants' folder on your hard drive.)


1. Double-click the Internet Setup Assistant.

2. Click the Update button.


3. Click the right arrow here.


4. Select "Add Internet configuration" and click the right arow.


5. Type in a name for the configuration, then select Modem and click the right arrow.


6. Select your modem, the port you want to connect to. Then select 'Tone' and click the right arrow.


7. The Cyber City Honolulu dialup number is 792-2071, enter it in the first box. Then type your username and password and click the right arrow.


8. Select 'No' here and click the right arrow.


9. The DNS Address(es) are:

Then type in the bottom box. Click the right arrow when done.


10. Now type your username and the 'at-mark' ( hold down the shif key and type '2' ) then type ''. Make sure there are no spaces here. Type your password and then click the right arrow key.


11. Now type your username, the 'at-mark', and ''.

Then type '' and click the right arrow. Again, make sure there are no spaces.


12. Now type '' and click the right arrow.


13. Click Go Ahead here when you are ready. If you have selected the option above, you will connect to the Internet now!